camron wilson



I was the typical kid, throughout my years of school, that looked forward to the weekend for one specific reason… dirt bikes! My father got me into riding at a young age and it has been two wheels ever since. It wasn’t until I was about 20 years of age when I found my passion for off road racing. Growing up in Southern California I raced with District 37 from 2018 through 2020, before I made the move to Bend, Oregon. Although moving 12 hours away from my friends and family was a tough decision, it led me to a childhood dream of working in the motorcycle industry. 


I have countless memorable weekends spent at Glen Helen Raceway. I am a fan of how much versatility the track has to offer. Between the single track buried in the hills, the 5th gear straightaways, and some of the biggest elevation changes a motocross track has to offer, I feel at home riding Glen Helen. Not only was Glen Helen my first race at the age of 14, but my father also signed up for his first race there after 30+ years of riding where they raced the 21st annual Day In The Dirt together.


Zaca Station MX, Castillo Ranch, Enticknaps MX, Chaney Ranch, High Desert MX, Glen Helen Raceway, Taft Raceway, KCRP, LACR, Milestone MX, Qual Canyon MX, Cal City MX, Albany MX, Riverdale Raceway , Washougal 


Santa Barbara, California


Dirt bikes, Mountain biking, Camping, Spending time with friends and family.

racing highlights:

2020 AMA district 37 NGPC championship, Placed 2nd in points for the 2021 OMRA fall GP/SE series 250 A class.